Radio Record Hard Bass плейлист
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12 Февраля
- 23:10 dertexx - stealth
- 23:06 kolbaser project - energy
- 23:02 sonic mine - fiesta fatal
- 22:58 adbass - darkness xpirit
- 22:54 stomp foot - countermove
- 22:50 brutal - kicking my brain
- 22:47 barabass/blackman - good will
- 22:43 yurbanoid - money
- 22:40 dj barabass - jeepers creepers
- 22:37 dj tega - brighter day
- 22:33 luke hudson - get enough
- 22:28 bassmasters - feel fine
- 22:24 yurbanoid - new era
- 22:20 keenan lee - rinse & repeat
- 22:17 xs project - fuckin move
- 22:14 sonic mine - hard bass attack
- 22:11 dj snat - snakes
- 22:06 seduction of mind - the saw remake
- 22:04 badwor7h - derp
- 21:59 sonic mine - scream for dj
- 21:55 mk project - bambalam
- 21:53 e34 - takin me back
- 21:49 infected bounce - move your hands up
- 21:45 reactive project - sunshine
- 21:40 trulen & charly - darker than blood
- 21:36 azzerj - sun goes down
- 21:32 yurbanoid - we are one
- 21:28 kolbaser project - magic key
- 21:24 yurbanoid - born 2 rave
- 21:18 starproject - ready 2 go
- 21:13 dj david/dcibelia - summer tonight
- 21:09 dj snat - baaaamzzz
- 21:06 matt brave - make me higher
- 21:01 steve bumper - fire on!
- 20:57 dj nesket - ball
- 20:51 dertexx - plasmatic
- 20:47 dj dbc - take it over!
- 20:43 reactive project - enjoy the ride
- 20:39 xs project - fu manchu
- 20:34 reactive project - maximal loco
- 20:29 luke hudson/dj scouser - all de bitches
- 20:25 yurbanoid - jello
- 20:21 gari seleckt/dj nesket - jewel
- 20:17 yurbanoid - how deep is your love
- 20:13 dj dbc - return 2 hard bass
- 20:10 luke hudson - pumpingland
- 20:06 dj niels - go to france
- 20:03 reactive project - on a trip
- 19:59 dj mike - black jack
- 19:54 reactive project - hasta la vista
- 19:50 clubbasse - rock da house
- 19:47 dj tega - massylenth
- 19:45 gari seleckt/dertexx - never comes
- 19:31 dj titou mini meys - liberte
- 19:26 yurbanoid - since u been gone
- 19:22 joan x/keenan lee - vip
- 19:18 adbass - methal destroyed
- 19:15 sonny banks/badwor7h - good girls
- 19:12 jd project/mike k - needle on the record
- 19:07 yurbanoid - wanna be original
- 19:02 lolo - voodoo (hard klubb mix)
- 18:58 fatal project - dance with the devil
- 18:54 dj kenty - stronger
- 18:48 kenna & grindley - real world
- 18:45 battery! - i g m e o u
- 18:42 dj ku-b - donkin pon
- 18:41 dj neil - save me
- 18:27 gari seleckt - bu-ma-ye
- 18:23 stomp foot - return
- 18:19 mk project - feel the beat
- 18:15 dertexx - predator
- 18:12 starproject/dj jose - oye como va
- 18:08 luke hudson/dj juarre - turn me out
- 18:05 yurbanoid - red chemicals
- 18:02 xs project - hooligans
- 17:56 dj nesket - bastard-o
- 17:52 sonic mine - puta bass
- 17:48 dj mike - so get up
- 17:44 ben g/jj - getting stronger
- 17:40 dj barabass - citizen
- 17:35 dj veci - tomato sauce
- 17:32 reanimacia project - let's rock
- 17:29 deejay laura/luke hudson - wonderland
- 17:17 dj barabass - little zombie (part 1)
- 17:13 dj scouser - destroy
- 17:10 xs project - symphony
- 17:04 luke hudson - we run the night 2015
- 17:00 brooklyn bounce/gari seleckt - canda
- 16:56 lolo - eye of the tiger
- 16:51 shad side/luke hudson - take me home
- 16:46 lolo - don't crazy
- 16:41 jd project/b.r - melody
- 16:38 yurbanoid - sing me
- 16:35 sonic mine - hard dance style is kickin back
- 16:32 darktosh - i'm in love
- 16:29 quintino/r3hab/badwor7h - freak vip
- 16:25 klon - accideents
- 16:19 dtr hapurice/dj galas - i wide awake
- 16:16 die antwoord/zombie heroes - dis iz why i'm hot
- 16:12 sonic mine - vamos a la playa
- 16:07 taz - the time machine
- 16:01 dj taz - the circles
- 15:57 yurbanoid - hide
- 15:54 ochumeloff - no bootleg now
- 15:51 steel deluxe/xs project - wrong key
- 15:48 e34 - atp14
- 15:44 dj kenty - sunrise
- 15:40 kenna & grindley - stronger than glass
- 15:36 bassmasters - curbamax (2k17 mix)
- 15:32 gari seleckt - tales of the epic war
- 15:29 xs project - monstro 2016
- 15:25 brooklyn bounce/mattbrave - bounce attack
- 15:21 zombie heroes - body back
- 15:17 dj pok - the sound of hardbass
- 15:13 badwor7h/battery! - purple lamborghini
- 15:09 loopers/peter peng - higher
- 15:05 xs project - pumping party
- 15:01 dj snake/badwor7h - propaganda
- 14:58 gari seleckt - its not fair
- 14:54 dj dbc - return tohardbass3
- 14:50 dj posse-e/dertexx - yo dj
- 14:48 dj klubb - no money
- 14:35 dj nanux - crush
- 14:32 starproject - aye aye aye
- 14:27 dj kenty - see the light
- 14:22 dj pro-basic - oldschool vibes (fun mix)
- 14:17 dj barabass - zlodeev
- 14:14 vincent vik/dertexx - party monster
- 14:10 dj taz - reason why
- 14:05 gari seleckt/dj pascu - love me
- 14:00 dj david - live my life
- 13:56 bassmasters - million miles
- 13:51 mk project - fabricated world
- 13:47 farid/ddx/dj dbc - fucking society
- 13:44 yurbanoid - optimus prime
- 13:39 ant c - pills in shad
- 13:35 reactive project - don't stop
- 13:32 kolbaser project - barbie girl
- 13:28 scott g - its alright
- 13:25 dj snat - 2 the sound
- 13:21 yurbanoid - how long
- 13:17 dertexx - stole the show
- 13:13 fatal project - party time
- 13:09 dj dbc - let it go
- 13:06 reactive project - funky s
- 13:01 dertexx - вombardment
- 12:56 gari seleckt/dj nesket - locked
- 12:52 dj kenty - star wars (poky bass)
- 12:48 reactive project/gari seleckt - feed-on
- 12:44 stomp foot - harsh
- 12:42 brutal - back to your roots
- 12:39 dj raf - what the heck
- 12:35 keenan lee - i'm your nightmare
- 12:31 dj pok - we are bumping generation
- 12:28 dj mike - the ultimate seduction
- 12:25 bomfunk mc's/badwor7h - uprocking beats
- 12:21 footrocker - looking at you
- 12:17 dj jose - the mosh pit
- 12:14 brer & stul/dj tega - sentimentek
- 12:10 azzerj - after all
- 12:06 xs project - hardstyle melody
- 12:02 wild motherfuckers - fother mucker
- 11:57 the multidubbers/dj ant - in the end
- 11:52 dj kapone - the rythm hardbass
- 11:48 dj miku/dj nillos - the lights start
- 11:44 xs project - just to вisappear
- 11:40 botxo & jeanols - make it out tonight
- 11:36 donk/extreme/darktosh - anytime
- 11:33 fatal project - death blow
- 11:29 donk/extreme - flow
- 11:27 xs project - pumping machine
- 11:21 dj dbc - breaking donk
- 11:17 luke hudson/infected bounce - castles in the sky
- 11:14 trulen & charly - beautiful now
- 11:10 dj taz - fuck off
- 11:08 vito - wachanna
- 11:03 dj kokoloko - shades of grey
- 10:58 gari seleckt - got ya 2.0
- 10:56 badwor7h - yo girl
- 10:51 dj nesket - fire
- 10:48 yurbanoid - lean on
- 10:44 dtr hapurice/dj galas - music is my life
- 10:41 xs project/mjaugen - da ruckus 2016
- 10:37 dj snat - undying
- 10:31 starproject/dj jose - come on the bass
- 10:29 mystery system - party till we die
- 10:24 patxi deciveria/sabela - sientelo en tu alma
- 10:19 gari seleckt - hey brat
- 10:13 starproject - my love the bass
- 10:09 jack d - a night of faith
- 10:04 quiet noise - the wind blows
- 10:01 dj flint/jest - 100% pure
- 09:58 acceleration djs - insomnia
- 09:54 dj scouser - candyman
- 09:49 klon - somewhere
- 09:44 tega/pro-basic - lazy people
- 09:39 dj dbc - come on!
- 09:35 gari seleckt/reactive project - amore
- 09:31 mystery system - psionic force
- 09:27 luke hudson - doesn't even matter
- 09:18 tega - your body (klubbed mix)
- 09:14 yurbanoid - until it gone
- 09:11 sak noel/dertexx - no boyfriend, no problem
- 09:09 dj casti - left behinds
- 09:05 xs project - thunderdome
- 09:01 yurbanoid - bring out the devil
- 08:58 dj kenty - yellow road
- 08:53 luke hudson - numb
- 08:49 dj ku-b - twilight zone
- 08:46 dj hardbumpi/dj galas - wake me up
- 08:32 kolbaser project - energy
- 08:28 sonic mine - fiesta fatal
- 08:25 adbass - darkness xpirit
- 08:20 stomp foot - countermove
- 08:17 groove coverage/dertexx - poison
- 08:12 dj kapone - the rythm hardbass
- 08:08 luke hudson/infected bounce - castles in the sky
- 08:05 donk/extreme/darktosh - anytime
- 08:02 fatal project - death blow
- 07:58 donk/extreme - flow
- 07:55 xs project - pumping machine
- 07:49 dj dbc - breaking donk
- 07:46 reactive project - one love
- 07:42 gari seleckt - got ya 2.0
- 07:38 trulen & charly - beautiful now
- 07:34 dj taz - fuck off
- 07:32 vito - wachanna
- 07:26 starproject - my love the bass
- 07:22 xs project - just to вisappear
- 07:15 dj torete/dj tega - lets get it
- 07:12 brothers project - freaky donky's
- 07:09 dj flint/jest - 100% pure
- 07:06 badwor7h - yo girl
- 07:02 dj nesket - fire
- 06:57 gari seleckt - hey brat
- 06:52 dtr hapurice/dj galas - music is my life
- 06:48 mk project - sun goes down
- 06:44 patxi deciveria/sabela - sientelo en tu alma
- 06:39 dj dbc - come on!
- 06:36 xs project/mjaugen - da ruckus 2016
- 06:32 dj snat - undying
- 06:28 tega/pro-basic - lazy people
- 06:24 jack d - a night of faith
- 06:18 klon - somewhere
- 06:13 quiet noise - the wind blows
- 06:10 dj scouser - candyman
- 06:05 dj kokoloko - light up the world
- 06:01 luke hudson - doesn't even matter
- 05:56 keenan & klubb - awela hey
- 05:53 tega - your body (klubbed mix)
- 05:49 yurbanoid - until it gone
- 05:45 sak noel/dertexx - no boyfriend, no problem
- 05:43 dj casti - left behinds
- 05:39 xs project - thunderdome
- 05:35 yurbanoid - bring out the devil
- 05:32 dj kenty - yellow road
- 05:27 luke hudson - numb
- 05:23 dj ku-b - twilight zone
- 05:18 dj hardbumpi/dj galas - wake me up
- 05:15 dj barabass - jeepers creepers
- 05:11 dj taz - welcome to france
- 05:08 dertexx - stealth
- 05:04 azzerj - after all
- 05:00 kolbaser project - energy
- 03:58 dj nesket - stop
- 03:53 sonic mine - scream for dj
- 03:50 mk project - bambalam
- 03:47 e34 - takin me back
- 03:44 infected bounce - move your hands up
- 03:40 yurbanoid - we are one
- 03:36 kolbaser project - magic key
- 03:31 yurbanoid - born 2 rave
- 03:26 starproject - ready 2 go
- 03:23 dj snat - so get up
- 03:19 yurbanoid - lean on
- 03:13 dj david/dcibelia - summer tonight
- 03:10 dj snat - baaaamzzz
- 03:06 matt brave - make me higher
- 03:02 steve bumper - fire on!
- 02:57 dj nesket - ball
- 02:52 dertexx - plasmatic
- 02:47 luke hudson/dj scouser - all de bitches
- 02:43 xs project - fu manchu
- 02:38 reactive project - enjoy the ride
- 02:34 dj dbc - take it over!
- 02:30 reactive project - on a trip
- 02:27 dj niels - go to france
- 02:23 gari seleckt/dj nesket - jewel
- 02:20 yurbanoid - jello
- 02:16 luke hudson - pumpingland
- 02:13 starproject - frontline
- 02:09 yurbanoid - take me home
- 02:05 dj dbc - return 2 hard bass
- 02:00 tega - boing black 3